ASCRS Government relations
As a key pillar of our mission, ASCRS and our members advocate on behalf of our profession to Congress and the administration, including regulatory agencies, such as HHS, CMS, and FDA. ASCRS is committed to ensuring a legislative and regulatory landscape that allows members to continue providing high-quality care to patients.
ASCRS Government Relations: What we Do
ASCRS advocates on behalf of our members on Capitol Hill and to regulatory agencies. We are committed to preserving access to high-quality specialty care. ASCRS members are engaged in the political process through eyePAC, our nonpartisan political action committee, and the eyeContact grassroots program.
The Latest from Washington Watch
ASCRS Government Relations Staff are keeping an eye on the issues for you.
ASCRS Priority Issues
Medicare Payment
ASCRS continues to advocate for fair reimbursement for ophthalmic procedures. We urge Congress to stop the impending cuts scheduled to take effect next year. Additionally, we urge for Medicare payment reform by providing a positive annual update reflecting inflation in practice costs, and eliminating budget neutrality requirements in the fee schedule.
Read moreE/M 10- and 90-day Global Surgery Codes
ASCRS is working with the surgical community advocating that Congress should direct the CMS to adjust the values of the E/M post-operative visits included in 10-day and 90-day global surgical codes to reflect the updated office/outpatient E/M code payment increases that were implemented on January 1, 2021.
Read morePrior Authorization
ASCRS continues to urge CMS to use its oversight authority to ensure that Medicare Advantage plans are not inappropriately delaying or denying beneficiaries access to medically necessary cataract surgery. Additionally, ASCRS supports legislation that would reduce the burdens associated with prior authorization.
Read MoreOphthalmic Drug and Devices
ASCRS advocates to ensure our members and their patients have timely access to innovative drugs and devices and compounded medications. Additionally, ASCRS is also in the process of responding to the FDA's problematic LASIK Lasers – Patient Labeling Recommendations draft guidance.
Read MoreSupport Advocacy through EyePAC
eyePac is a voluntary, non-partisan political action committee representing ophthalmic surgeons. Your investment in eyePAC helps ASCRS support candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who fight for the issues important to you and your practice.

Contact ASCRS Government Relations
Mark Cribben
Director of Government Relations
[email protected]