ASCRS Government Relations
ASCRS Grassroots
ASCRS grassroots advocates, aka ASCRS "eyeContacts," are active members within the Society who engage policymakers at all levels of government to ensure that specialty physicians’ viewpoints are heard loud and clear.
Watch the video to find out why you should become an ASCRS eyeContact!
As members of a highly regulated profession, ophthalmologists ignore legislative and regulatory issues at their own peril. When you become an eyeContact, you join an enthusiastic group committed to providing the highest level of care and ensuring patients have access to the care they need.
If you are interested in joining eyeContacts, please email ASCRS government relations at [email protected]
eyeContacts Action Hub
Like many organizations, one of ASCRS’ key priorities is to advocate for a public policy environment
favorable to our members. A major part of that is to facilitate a relationship
between our members and their elected officials through grassroots advocacy. Professional lobbyists play an important role in identifying potential issues,
but ultimately it is the individual members of an association that are the most
influential advocates. Elected officials are more eager to hear from actual
voters from their districts and states. To be successful at advocating, and to effectively
promote legislative issues, you must have the correct tools at
your disposal. ASCRS’ Advocacy Hub
provides you with everything that you will need to be a successful eyeContact advocate.