Film 82545: Get Back in Shape. Sole Full-Thickness Sutures As an Alternative Treatment for Acute Corneal Hydrops | ASCRS
Film 82545: Get Back in Shape. Sole Full-Thickness Sutures As an Alternative Treatment for Acute Corneal Hydrops
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Christian Sebastian Arellano, MD
Producers: Rodrigo Ernesto Barrera Rodriguez, MD; Ana García-Albisua, MD
Category: Refractive/Cornea Surgery
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Full thickness sutures have been described as a feasible treatment for corneal hydrops with faster resolution of the edema. Here we demonstrate the technique documented by intraoperative AS- OCT, which allows the surgeon to visualize and confirm the full thickness of the corneal sutures, as well as the decrease in corneal thickness and Descemet's membrane reattachment.