Ways to Give
Your Support will Change Lives
Not sure what to get that special someone? Need a last minute appreciation gift? Consider making a donation to the ASCRS Foundation in their honor. What a joy it will be knowing they contributed to providing a life changing gift to someone in need.
Operation Sight, the ASCRS Foundation’s domestic charitable cataract surgery program, has seen a significant increase in applications resulting from the employment, insurance and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. You have the power this holiday season to restore vision and hope in your community by making a tax-deductible donation to the ASCRS Foundation today.

Donate Online
Make your donation by credit card using our secure online donation form by clicking below.

Donate By Mail
Checks made payable to the ASCRS Foundation can be mailed to:
ASCRS Foundation
12587 Fair Lakes Circle
Suite 348
Fairfax, VA 22033

Donate By Phone
To make your donation by phone, please call (703) 788-5781.
Did you know you can automatically round up debit and credit card purchases to donate to the Foundation? The Foundation is now registered on the RoundUp App! By creating an account and selecting the Foundation, your purchases will be rounded up to the next dollar and provided as a donation! For example, if you purchase coffee for $4.25, $0.75 will be donated to the Foundation. Your spare change will make a world of difference in our mission!
It's easy to get started! Here's how it works:
- Click here to create a free account that supports the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Foundation.
- Connect your credit or debit cards by following the prompts. This is secure and allows your spare change to be donated. You are able to adjust your settings to put a monthly max on the amount of your donation.
- Make an impact. Your purchases will be rounded up to the next dollar and the spare change donated to support our mission.
We are committed to building meaningful partnerships that bring your commitment in improving the world's vision to life. For more information on how to become a corporate partner, contact [email protected] or call (703) 788-5781. We are very thankful for our current partners and supporters.
Click here to view the companies and partners who are supporting the ASCRS Foundation.
The ASCRS Foundation does not directly accept any tangible products or supplies. However, if your organization has non-expired goods that you’d like to donate for humanitarian eye care, please email [email protected] and we will connect you with one of our partners.
A giving program that manages charitable contributions on behalf of donors, a donor-advised fund (DAF) offers flexibility in directing donations to your favorite charities. Donors participate by transferring cash or other assets to their DAFs, which are administered by a third party such as a community foundation or financial services company, and by recommending how that money is granted.
If you've created a DAF, you are able to make a grant recommendation to the ASCRS Foundation to help our mission. Follow these 2 steps.
- Notify the ASCRS Foundation of your grant recommendation by emailing [email protected].
- Make your grant recommendation to your Donor-Advised Fund. Here is the information needed:
ASCRS Foundation
12587 Fair Lakes Circle Suite 348 Fairfax, VA 22033
The ASCRS Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. Our EIN is 23-7388748
Gifts via accounts with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon: access the DAF Direct link to make a gift from your account by clicking here. Fill in the institution, designation and gift amount and follow the prompts.
Your financial adviser can assist you in making a stock or securities gift. Please take the following two steps to complete your gift:
- Inform your broker that you would like to make a gift of stock to the ASCRS Foundation by providing your broker with the following information:
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Foundation
DTC Number: 0062
Account Number: 25722936
Please include donor name and cost basis
- Alert the Foundation about the stock and number of shares you plan to donate by transferring to the ASCRS Foundation by emailing [email protected], so we can instruct our broker to accept delivery of your gift and acknowledge it properly for income tax purposes.
Are you on Facebook? There's a great way to leverage the power of your social media to benefit the ASCRS Foundation and help those most in need! Click this link to get started and follow the prompts. In just a few minutes, you'll be on your way to making a difference!
If you or your practice is interested in organizing a fundraiser to support the ASCRS Foundation, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
To make a gift from your IRA, contact your IRA administrator and instruct them to make the distribution directly to:
ASCRS Foundation
12587 Fair Lakes Circle Suite 348 Fairfax, VA 22033
Our EIN is 23-7388748
Please include your name and address when funds are transferred so we can provide you with an acknowledgement for your records.
Make your qualified charitable distribution before December 31.
At 70.5 years and older, you must withdraw a set amount from your individual retirement account (IRA) each year. This amount can significantly increase your income and taxes. You can use this distribution by making a tax-free gift directly from your IRA to the ASCRS Foundation.
The ASCRS Foundation funds critical programs today, but we need to insure funding continues well into the future. Including the ASCRS Foundation in your estate planning is an easy way to make a substantial lasting commitment, ensuring your legacy lives on. Your lawyer or financial advisor can assist you. Since we cannot predict the future advances or the future of our programs, we recommend your bequest be designated for unrestricted purposes.
- Suggested language might include "I give, devise and bequeath (the sum of ___ dollars), or (all or ___ percent) of the rest, remainder and residue of my estate of every kind and description (including lapsed legacies and devises) to the ASCRS Foundation currently located at 12587 Fair Lakes Circle Suite 348 Fairfax, VA 22033 EIN 23-7388748."
Contact [email protected] or call (703) 788-5781 to notify us of your plans or for further information. Thank you for your support.
Many employers will match charitable donations made by their employees, doubling or even tripling your impact! Your HR department can guide you through your employer's matching gift program. Matching gifts can be sent to:
ASCRS Foundation
12587 Fair Lakes Circle Suite 348 Fairfax, VA 22033
Our EIN is 23-7388748
Give the Gift of Sight
Your help is crucial to ending preventable blindness. Your support helps us fund humanitarian eyecare and physician education around the world.
Email [email protected] or call (703) 788-5781 with questions about any of these giving options. The ASCRS Foundation Tax ID number is 23-7388748.
A donor portal for all donors who have made an online contribution is available. This portal allows donors to view donation history, download receipts, manage recurring gifts and fundraisers. Click here to get started!