September 2021
ASCRS Journal Club: September 2021
Participate at your convenience!
Join co-moderators Nick Mamalis, MD and Leela Raju, MD with presenters and panelists for a discussion of two manuscripts from JCRS.
The two articles from the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery® featured in this Journal Club are listed below.
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Manuscript 1
Prevention and management of refractive prediction errors following cataract surgery
Jeremy Z. Kieval, MD, Saba Al-Hashimi, MD, Richard S. Davidson, MD, D. Rex Hamilton, MD, Mitchell A. Jackson, MD, Scott LaBorwit, MD, Larry E. Patterson, MD, Karl G. Stonecipher, MD, Kendall Donaldson, MD, MS
Manuscript 2
Repositioning surgery of different intraocular lens designs in eyes with late in-the-bag intraocular lens dislocation
Marius Dalby, MD, PhD, Liv Drolsum, MD, PhD, Olav Kristianslund, MD, PhD
Journal Club Program
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Nick Mamalis, MD and Leela Raju, MD
Article Details
Prevention and management of refractive prediction errors following cataract surgery
Jeremy Z. Kieval, MD, Saba Al-Hashimi, MD, Richard S. Davidson, MD, D. Rex Hamilton, MD,
Mitchell A. Jackson, MD, Scott LaBorwit, MD, Larry E. Patterson, MD, Karl G. Stonecipher, MD,
Kendall Donaldson, MD, MS
Presenter/Discussant: Jeremy Kieval, MD
Panelists: Kenneth J. Rosenthal, MD,
Audrey Talley Rostov, MD,
Scott LaBorwit, MD
Article Details
Repositioning surgery of different intraocular lens designs in eyes with late in-the-bag intraocular lens dislocation
Marius Dalby, MD, PhD, Liv Drolsum, MD, PhD, Olav Kristianslund, MD, PhD
Presenter/Discussant: Andres S. Parra, MD
Panelists: Kenneth J. Rosenthal, MD,
Audrey Talley Rostov, MD,
Scott LaBorwit, MD
Nick Mamalis, MD and Leela Raju, MD

Nick Mamalis, MD

Leela Raju, MD

Jeremy Kieval, MD

Andres S. Parra, MD

Scott LaBorwit, MD

Kenneth J. Rosenthal, MD

Audrey Talley Rostov, MD