2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Explore the frequently asked questions about the 2021 on-demand offerings.
Note: if you require assistance during or immediately after the ASCRS Annual Meeting, response may be delayed. We will respond to your request as soon as possible.
2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting content is now available to all ASCRS members. Log into the website with the account associated with your ASCRS membership to access the content.
Don't know your ASCRS.org login?
- If you do not know your ASCRS.org login, please do not create a new account as it will not match your meeting registration and you will not receive access to the presentations. You may use the Forgot Password tool to reset your password, or e-mail [email protected] for further login assistance.
Login doesn't provide you access?
- Please double check that the e-mail address used for your login matches exactly the e-mail used for your current ASCRS membership.
- If the above do not resolve your issue, please e-mail [email protected].
ASCRS members receive on-demand access to:
- All General Sessions
- All Symposia
- All Instructional Courses presented in English
- Over 400 submitted Paper Presentations in either PDF or video format
- All Scientific Films
- All Electronic Posters (available on external site)
Browse all the content by using the various blue tabs under the meeting header. If you are looking for a specific session, presentation, paper, or speaker, we recommend you use the full-scale Real-Time Program search function to locate the education you are looking for. Once you have obtained more specifics from the Real-Time Program, return to this site to locate the educational content.
Paper Sessions
- All available paper files are posted as of 8:00 a.m. ET Friday, July 23, 2021. If a paper file is not listed or not available, it will likely not be posted online during the meeting.
- Paper presentations are available in either PDF or video format.
General Sessions, Symposia, and Instructional Courses
- On-demand presentations will be posted Saturday, July 24, through Tuesday, July 27, within 24 hours or less of the live session.
Electronic Films and Posters
- All available films and poster files are posted as of 8:00 a.m. ET Friday, July 23, 2021.
- Films are available within the ASCRS.org website; posters are available behind Badge ID login on an external website.
ASCRS Subspecialty Day
- Presentations will be posted on Friday, July 23, and Saturday, July 24, within 24 hours or less of the live session.
- ASCRS Subspecialty Day registration required to view on-demand sessions from Subspecialty Day.
Browse all the content by using the various blue tabs under the meeting header. If you are looking for a specific session, presentation, paper, or speaker, we recommend you use the full-scale Real-Time Program search to locate the education you are looking for. Once you have obtained more specifics from the Real-Time Program, return to this site to locate the educational content.
You may earn up to 37 AMA PRA Category 1™ credits by viewing on-demand content. Visit the CME Credits tab for more information on earning and claiming credit online.