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Glaucoma Building Blocks
Program Overview
The Glaucoma Building Blocks CME program is a multi-part educational series targeted for the comprehensive ophthalmologist, covering what you need to know to diagnose, follow, and treat your patients. The program covers a range of topics including diagnosis and monitoring, initial therapy, pharmaceuticals and innovation in drug delivery, laser therapy, the surgical landscape, and MIGS. Each interrelated episode features leading experts sharing their personal experience and surgical pearls in glaucoma management and treatment.
Thank you for your interest in this program! Glaucoma Building Blocks is no longer open to new registrants and is no longer available for CME credit. ASCRS members may view the education from this program on-demand; visit the Agenda tab and select a module to view.

All Episodes Available On Demand Now
ASCRS Members may view the on-demand videos from all four episodes:
- Episode 1: Diagnosing, Monitoring, and Choosing Therapy Options for your Glaucoma Patient
- Episode 2: Laser and Drug Delivery for Compliance Independent IOP Control
- Episode 3: ABC's of Glaucoma Surgery
- Episode 4: Special Consideration for MIGS
In addition, review the non-CME Ask the Experts virutal breakout room recordings. Each Ask the Experts session was held after the CME episode to allow attendees to ask questions and discuss topics in a small group setting.

Program Planning Co-Chairs

Leon Herndon, MD

Douglas Rhee, MD

Manjool Shah, MD

Thomas Samuelson, MD